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I love the software community for all the fantastic resources that help kick start careers or help experienced pros brush up on a few skills. There’s something for everyone. For example, freeCodeCamps playlist covers computer science fundamentals for beginners, or if you need a challenge you can take on some coding challenges at topcoder.
These resources make it possible to build a great career in cloud beyond having experience in the field. You can take your career into your own hands and follow a path that suits your interests.
I thought I’d list a few resources below that have helped some of my candidates add to their CV and impress at interviews.
Companies love to see exciting projects outside of the workplace and where they can see your interests come to life. GitHub is the place to go to store your projects and easily collaborate with friends or colleagues. Your GitHub profile will make you stand out from the rest and is always a topic for discussion.
Coding Challenges
Making daily online coding challenges a habit is no bad thing. host nearly 3,500 coding exercises, plenty to get your teeth stuck into! It will build your algorithmic and syntax skills for interviewing.
Stackoverflow’s community is full of experienced developers willing to guide you through coding queries and offer advice when searching for your next role. Speaking of roles, you can always talk to us here at Uniting Cloud if you’re unsure of your next steps 😊.
There are plenty of pros to taking on a Bootcamp and intensely getting up to speed with a certain language, but it’s not for everyone. If you have the time and resources and want to jump into a software career, it could be the way to go. However, I have seen people start by jumping into the online community and working on projects with experienced devs who like to lend a hand.
Taking either route will still add value to your CV and can be used to land that next role, building your experience and showing how you overcame challenges.
Do you have any advice for building your CV? I’d love to hear from you and your thoughts on this blog; you can find me over on Linkedin here.